Panique en Bourse : la Russie sur le point
d’envahir l’Ukraine ?

Comme je vous l'avais dit, crise en Ukraine, et bizarrement une réunion de la FED lundi :

Deux articles : Les USA déplacent leurs troupes...Et disent à leurs ressortissants de quitter l'Ukraine car ils ne viendront pas les chercher... :

Earlier on Saturday, a senior State Department official said that the diplomatic staff at the U.S. Embassy in Kyiv will be reduced to the “bare minimum.”

The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity in order to share details of the State Department’s posture in Ukraine, also issued fresh warnings to U.S. citizens that have not yet departed the country.

“It is past time for private citizens to leave Ukraine,” explained the senior State Department official.

“American citizens should not expect that the U.S. military is going to rescue them in Ukraine at the last minute. That’s not going to be happening in this scenario. And that’s why it is past time for them to leave Ukraine,” the official added.

A lire en détails dans l'article suivant :

Pentagon orders departure of U.S. troops in
Ukraine as Russia crisis escalates

U.S. deploys 2nd Cavalry Regiment troops from
Germany to Romania as Ukraine tensions build

Fri, Feb 11 20228:39 PM EST

Bon courage pour la semaine prochaine.



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